Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thing #2 Image Generators 2

I chose The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost because that has always been my very favorite poem. How cool is it to play with the words like this!


This is cool and I look forward to using it next year starting with the 6th grade Language Arts classes. I wondering to start with if the teachers would like to Wordle. I am thinking of some fun ways to get them involved.


This was okay but I think I want to Wordle first!


This thing is a mystery. I have created several but never can find them. This one may become a RTI (round to it)! Actually I can see students would have lots of fun using Gloster. I loved the ease of making the bulletin board and all the different ways to personalize them.

Okay after another full day learning about gloster I think I have it for this 11.5 Things!

now it is too big and I will get back to this one later!


VWB said...

I am totally puzzled by why yours is so big! I had no size issues with mine at all! I am going to try and figure out the problem/difference.

BIG RED said...

I deleted it a couple of times and then put it back in and everytime it was BIG. I can see me on 1-800-glogster alot.

arkreynolds said...

You can go into the html text and change the 100% to 50% or some other percentage you like. Also, there are width and height numbers that can be changed-just make sure you change them equally or the picture will be distorted.