Wednesday, August 5, 2009


1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?I loved the image generators especially wordle. I have plans to use that one the first time I teach Library Resource Page. Also, I really like GoView and think that will be a favorite to use because it is so user friendly.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?Let’s say it encouraged me to go out of my comfort zone again. I think it was very thought provoking and makes you realize all the possibilities out there for education. Digital Citizenship really lays resposibilites and safety issues on the line and that is something we know but so good to see it in print and read about how to handle different situation when they happen.
3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?Even though 11.5 Things took lots of my summertime I think it was well worth the time and effort. I tried to do something with it everyday because I wanted to finished weeks ago but that did not work out for me. I do feel encouraged, succesful and motivated to start a new school year.
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?Nothing, you have been such an awesome group to take care of us every step of the way so do not change anything now. I loved the beach theme even though I never saw real sand I thought I was there, ha!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


WOW what a responsibility we have as educators to teach our students Digital Citizenship. I have read everything suggested on Thing#11 plus numerous blogs and I do feel overwhelmed. But as I start making plans to see students and orientate them to the library I am beginning to settle down. Also I Google Digital Citizenship and found lots of interesting though provoking reading.
Things to tell students during Library Orientation:
1. The goal of Spring Branch ISD is to educate students. Technology is playing a role in how students will learn reading, math, science, social studies, etc. SBISD has spent money for students to learn out to us iMac, iPods, document cameras, etc. (I will show parts of the power point on Bond tools from the LibrariansShare folder).
2. Responsibility and Etiquette
There is appropriate and inappropriate behavior using technology. We will learn how to be responsible with the freedoms that are extended to each student, teacher, etc. Copyright laws are very important when using technology just like when you are using books.
3. Safety
Texas School Safety Center has lots of material to use including flyers to have up in the library. It is important not to tell anyone personal information about yourself. Talk about Cyber bullying! Barbara Holt does a great interview with Fox News found under Texas School Safety.
4. Explore
Get out of comfort zone and learn to use Slideshare, Image Generators, Skype, Social Networking, iTouch, Video Resources, etc!
5. Evaluate websites by showing the treeoctopus lesson ( Do not believe everything that you read.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Oh my this virtual world. It took me forever to get dressed and I am not sure I matched at all! My hair ended up striped for some reason I will work on that one some more. My gestures was so funny and for some reason I like flying around with the birds. Once I was going in circles and that was fun and I did not even get dizzy. I like it though and had fun playing for hours and hours. I was telling my grandaughter about Second Life and she was like yes I did that several years ago and you paid for it??? They are always one or maybe two steps ahead.
I visited Rebecca Zebendein world and she owns a castle with some cool things like the Alamo. Rebecca already has great plans for her students. I have thought about it a lot and not sure of all the ways that it can be used. I know safety is very important! Teen Second Life will be a place for students ages 13-17 to explore a virtual world. Right now I think a facilitator and exploring the possibilities will be a good place to start!!! Keep a look out for Maryhele Caggle.........


I spent some time reading and learning about Slideshare and came to the conclusion that is was just another power point. But when I read and watched a 9 minute video on Comparison of PowePoint Hosting tools I decided I like Slideshare. Like the guy said it is a way to 'jazz up a power point'. Wow the ease of uploading videos or pictures into the Slideshare seemed effortless.
Students love to create power points and will spend days creating and admiring their work plus share it with whoever will look even long past the assignment deadline.
I wanted to checkout Slideboom but did not want to pay or register for the trial run right now but might later???
280 Slides looks amazing and with great reviews! I also looked at the Prsentation Power Online about 280 and it looks easy enough.
Students love to make power point presentationS and they will really like SLIDESHARE.